Service Agreements

When you routinely and proactively service your heating system, you not only ensure you have heat when you need it, you also prolong the life of your system. That’s why Tolino’s Fuel Service is proud to offer two types of Service Agreements to our residential fuel oil customers with boilers and furnaces. Each agreement is specifically designed for your type of system. We inspect your system every year and identify any necessary repairs. Should repairs be necessary you can choose to find your own service company or have Tolino’s trained service technicians preform the fix. Either way, you have peace of mind with a Service Agreement.


Annual Service Agreement Options

Tolino's Gold Star Service Agreement:

Tolino’s Gold Star Service Agreement is available for customers with boilers. (heat and hot water) In addition to our annual service, we can repair or replace more than 50 parts when it’s needed at your request.


Tolino's Silver Star Service Agreement:

Tolino’s Silver Star Service Agreement is designed to protect our furnace customers. (heat only) In addition to our annual service, you have the option to use us to repair or replace more than 30 parts when it’s necessary.



As part of an active service agreement Tolino's will annually:

  • Inspect chamber, flue pipe, chimney
  • Pressure test fuel unit
  • Lubricate blower motor and change air filters
  • Test motor amperage and transformer ignition voltage
  • Change oil filter and inspect oil tank and connections
  • Open flushing valve on feeder and flush L. W cutoff
  • Conduct mandatory safety control check
  • Clean cad cell eye or spray-burnish safety contracts
  • Inspect and gauge-set porcelains and electrodes
  • Lube circulator motor & pump
  • Appraise equipment condition & hazards in vicinity
  • Clean burner gun-nozzle line assembly
  • Clean flue pipe, draft stabilizer and chimney base
  • Clean burner fan, air delivery tube, air screen
  • Instrument test unit and adjust to peak efficiency
  • Clean heat exchanger and brush down scale
  • Lubricate burner motor and clean its vents
  • Clean jacket, motor and circulator housing
  • Check fan belt, pulleys, wheel and motor mount
  • Leave your heating system areas neat and clen, as we found it
  • Check, clean, and calibrate end cone and nozzle
  • Deodorize oiled surfaces

Contact Us Today to Set Up Your Service Agreement!